Thursday, August 2, 2012


This is from the minutes of an international seminar. All the participants were super scientists. It was after a global catastrophe, in which almost half the world population perished in it some three billion persons in total. Almost all the communication infrastructure was in shambles. The year was 2111. Most of the major science establishments were in jeopardy, because many top ranking scientists also perished in the catastrophe. It was believed that it was a terrorist attack, from an unknown place, some opined that it was from a remote underground place in in Sahara deserts, others that it was from a nearby planet that was recently made habitable. That was established when most security agencies got busy, with public attacks against mis-governance.

A small group of eminent thinkers, who were leading an almost retired life in remote thinly populated places and hence survived the attack, were the invitees for the seminar, sponsored by a philanthropic institution, they were all transported to the venue in private aircrafts. The venue, an obscure village called Ramana Ville, somewhere in an Indian state called Sikkim. The date is October 31, almost 10 months later. But, still many confirmed and made arrangements for gruesome travel. About 210 persons finally managed to participate. They included persons who had been active biologists, physiologists, technologists, medical professionals, psychologists, physiologists, geneticists, space scientists, sociologists and even some modern astrologers, journalists and philosophers among many others.

The inaugural meet was scheduled in the evening. Very few knew each other, but no need was felt for formal introduction. The president of the organizing committee, started with an introduction. His name is Kalshree. Here is an excerpt of his talk:

Friends, we have gathered here to recapitulate, what led to this Catastrophe. Let me try to do it as briefly as I can. Many of us would know some fragments. I will refrain from a long speech. Let each one of us share from her/his memory. I think it will indeed be a memorable seminar. I handover it to you all.

An old person almost 100 years old, was the first. His name Charlie Hallen. He said:

“ I remember it was in 2011. Human population residing in urban areas was suddenly taken by surprise. A change in attitude was easily discernible. Social protests are widespread, almost everyone appeared to be very anti establishment, anti status quo. Why, no one had a clue!! Sociologists, psychologists are struggling hard to find a clue, a viable theory or hypothesis. Not very long ago, similar happened about two decades ago. That was when, very many revolutions took place, It started with Egypt, India, Syria, Libya and then to even USA, Germany, Russia and Spain. In India, there were large crowds in support of anti corruption movement, spearheaded by a social activist named Anna Hazare, in USA it was an anti Wall Street, eventually it all led to some changes in the political systems, but it soon appeared to have subsided. But, all of a sudden it had revived again, this time in even in China, Sweden and Norway that were left unaffected in the previous unrest climate. All efforts to contain it appeared to have failed. Why?
At first no body paid much attention, thought it was a passing phase, but as it persisted as earlier. But it persisted, for more then a couple of years. All the media was agog, everyone was guessing. Articles in press or blogs on the Internet, interviews galore about it. But no apparent success. No one could hold ground foe long. It was indeed was a wake up call for scientists of all hues, globally. Theories, hypothesis were being put forward almost every week, but nothing appeared attractive.
It was then that an article appeared, it attracted a lots of attention, it was attractive, indeed it set everyone considering.
It was from an obscure scientist from India, but it made sense. He talked of the bacteria in human body, he talked of extraterrestrial influences. People were aware of Human Genome Project and it phenomenal success, and its successor Humam Microbiome Project was in progress. Some believed that indeed affect human attitudes, both personal and social.
Articles had earlier appeared in journals, I recollect from my personal notes that It was known for many years that campylobacter jejuni is a microbe whose infection increases anxiety-like behavior in mice later it was established even in case of human beings. It was reported, in peer reviewed scietce literature that areas of brain-stem activation, such as the nucleus tractus solitarius and lateral parabrachial nucleus, participate, presumably via the vaug nerve pathway; in neural information processing that ultimately lead to autonomic, neuron-endocrine and behavioral responses. These types of experiments all supported the suggestion that the gut microbiome may be intimately involved in the modulation not only of the peripheral but also aspects of the central nervous system including behavior.
I also recall that many years later, It was shown, that this bacteria when suddenly exposed to electromagnetic radiation in sub infrared range of frequencies changes its interaction with several other microbes in the human intestine, for example, when campylobacter family of microbes were exposed to radiation in the range of 30 GHz1 THz for about a week or more, show enhanced modification of mutual interaction. Also it was then reported by some space scientists, that Pluto and Uranus the planets farthest away from Earth, do indeed emit such radiation sometimes, that after being relayed through some asteroids in the Kupfer Belt are received on the Earth in that range of frequency. So it is implied that human body is really subject to these radiation and do are the microbes that can enter the human body through different routes. …..”

This theory appeared viable, it had some sound experimental backing, based on accepted observations. A reputed scientist of Indian origin, Professor Aditya Subramani, got global recognition, not because of the hypothesis alone, but because of sound falsifiable statements. Experiments were conducted world wide, to test the hypothesis and the results were positive.

Now a scientist from USA Professor Atkinson joined in. He added: “Soon, the markets got flushed with devices, that claimed to be able to produce such radiations and affect human behavior. Many companies flourished, the media was agog with advertisements. It was the year 2072, the human microbiomes were deciphered almost as much as the genomes. Studies of the effects of many extraterrestrial radiation on several microbes was the fashion among graduate students.

A sociologist from France, Geneneve Sante then added: “Science, as we all know, had spread far and wide, not just limited to some prosperous countries. The limit of speed is no longer c, the speed of light. Many more particles that can travel faster then light, in fact as much as 10c have been discovered or hypothesized. 'Science' was undergoing a revolution!

A Space scientist Sumanna Raju then added: “Some people had started to believe that human body and mind is not controlled by genomes or microbiomes alone much else was hypothesized. For example, influences of extraterrestrial bodies. It was discovered that some extraterrestrial bodies need not be only planets in the solar system. It is now known that many other bodies come close to our solar system, periodically. Bodies space scientists had never detected all through the history of science. Bodies that emit particles/waves that can travel much faster, even faster then neutrinos. Particles/waves that can penetrate through the skin and flesh of human body very easily. It was discovered that they can influence not only a few microbes present in the body, but even the biochemistry of the interaction. how a particular kind of biomolecule can interact with another.

A sociologist from Brazil intervened at this point. He said: “ Yes, science had indeed undergone a revolution in the next five decades. It was no longer limited to certain institutes and laboratories, located in a few countries, it got spread much thinly across the globe. Any intelligent thinking individual, could be recognized as a scientist. Even some astrologers! So when some people, said that there are indeed bodies in the universe, that come close to the solar system, after every century, people listened carefully, not with disdain but with respectful skepticism. Because some people could indeed prove it with experimental and empirical information. That had been ignored so far, only because it was believed that only the science of the western countries was the true science. Even homeopathy, was accepted and the theory that even after much dilution, some substances could indeed influence a human body. Law of mass action is not universal! Students often wondered when the studied history.

A Nigerian philosopher Andrew Osgale added: “Just in a few decades, scientists from the early twentieth century, started appearing like alchemists did to students hundred years ago. The names like Einstein, Heisenberg, Planck were like the names of Plato, Socrates a century ago. The only doctrine that was gaining wide acceptance, was the doctrine of change. People started believing that this also was just a doctrine, not an eternal law. Because it was now believed that there can never be any eternal laws, because they are subject to change with time. Not just minor changes but in some cases major changes. One of the changes was to accept the individuality of each one. In the past it was almost assumed that every human being is more like an automobile, with minor differences, that could be accommodated easily. People started wondering, what next? This appeared to be the ultimate of human thought. But, it assumed that the status quo will persist. No one knew what could be the next step.”
Another philosopher from Spain Professor Feldman Gonzalez, added: My grand father Dr Ruben Feldman Gonzalez, talked often of unitary perception. He used to say that unitary Perception is is being aware of everything perceptible, at the same time, right now, without naming that which is perceived, without comparing and without effort. It implies being conscious of something. Even while unconscious. Perceptible means we are not aware of something only, but of everything that crosses our field of perception. It implies that if we want the brain to operate as a unit, expressing its maximum potential, it is necessary to perceive everything perceptible at the same time. His thought really influenced scientific thoughts in decades to come.

A physician from Indonesia, Grerard, Macvinta, present there now added: It was appearing as if there was an epidemic of fast mutations in genes. The genes seemed to be mutating very fast. Persons who had no family history of diseases like cancer, diabetes, suddenly were easily diagnosed to be suffering from them. Most often these diseases were fatal. It started being evident somewhere around 2011, when it was discovered that many more women had started to develop breast cancer and many more men started having, bowel cancer or lung cancer besides asthma attacks and heart attack.

The geneticist, Regenna Fowls, present then added: It was some mutagen very widely present in the environment. I remember some people had even theorized that it was present in the omnipresent dust in cities. People started thinking that some mutagens were present in the dust particles. Many of us investigated, but the results were never very conclusive.
The astrologer from India, Ramamurthy added very briefly: For ages Indian astrologers have based their predictions based on the age of the universe. The universe passes through various ages as the time passes, it is like cycles of time. I believe, many factors had accumulated over the ages, and the catastrophe was a cumulative effect. We do not know what is in store for us in near future, but we can only hope for the best, and lead our life in a contented and spiritual manner. That only helps, is my personal experience.
Irene Tesonova, a computer specialist then added: But I think a very deadly blow to the world was when suddenly many computer systems stopped working, hundreds at a time. It was a tech virus. Since 2175 the computer memory had become dirt cheap, the memory of the hard disks was most commonly in the range of Terra-bytes, this was made possible due to an innovation of little known origin, but it was so attractive that it was lapped up by almost all computer systems, even corporate and banking systems. All information was stored only on such systems. But slowly it started revealing that something was amiss. Before any one could realize what, lots of information started disappearing, even of private assets. When it really struck, billions of people were affected, in a matter of a minute. People lost all their property records. It was, then that many many had fatal heart attacks, with hardly enough physicians to attend to. Within a day some half a billion persons passed away!
A journalist added now, “ I recall that all the deaths in that catastrophe were not only due to computer networks meltdown due to a virus attack. I recall it was more due to the nature of material used to manufacture the computer media, hard disks and others. Due to a global economic downturn about a century ago, corporations were in for quick profits, research quality control was dismal. So it was possible to accept disks that were not thoroughly checked. As it turned out all the disks had a life time of only twenty years. So there was an expiry date but no body paid an attention, because of the market pressures. And as the expiry date approached many disks started collapsing. In the beginning it was a mystery, but by the time mystery got unveiled, the catastrophe was there. It not only affected the financial institutions, but even many nuclear power stations. Nuclear accidents were very frequent. Mostly because of the greed of the powerful.

At the end, the chairperson, Kalshree concluded with a message:

We all have suffered in the catastrophe, many of our close relatives are no more, the grief is deep and will take several decades to heal. We all have to contribute to the healing process. Perhaps, the best would be to spread the lessons humanity has learned in this catastrophe. We are very few, but we know a bit more and many will listen to us, our responsibility is therefore manifold. I think, the lesson we all have learned is that change is imminent, the path it takes is unknown so we have to be humble. Its all a matter of time, as the time changes at a certain point, many factors add up to bring about a massive change, that we never expected, a catastrophe. To be proud of any past achievements has its price, often unbearable. Greed although a very human trait must be banished in the new society that is being raised. Every king was once a crying baby, and every great building was once a map, It's not important where you are today, The most important thing is where you will reach tomorrow. Never be proud of what position you hold, because after a game of chess, the king and the soldiers go into the same box. We must try to be humble, as wise persons, across ages have been saying. Only the humble passes the test when the time for a catastrophe arrives. All of us, present here had been humble, that is why we survived, and we will survive in the future also.

Rakesh Mohan Hallen

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